1967-001016M INANCE No. bt 67- 1 AN O DIWANCE CBEATING THE OFFICE OF VILLAGE, AGER BE, IT ORDAID&D BY THE PIZU S IDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF Ti-M VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS: created. SECTION 1: The office of village manager is hereby SECTION 2: The village manager shall be appointed by the president by and with the advice and consent of the board of trustees for an indefinite term. He shall be chosen on the basis of his executive and administrative qualifications with special reference to his actual experience in, or his knowledge of, accepted practice in respect to the duties of his office hereinafter set forth. SECTION The president may remove the village manager at any time, and report to the board of trustees of his action at the next meeting. SECTION 4: The village manager shall be the chief administrative officer of the village. He shall be responsible to the president and board of trustees for the proper administration of the affairs of the village. To that end, he shall have power and shall be required to: a. Enforce all laws and ordinances of the village. b. Attend all meetings of the board. The village manager shall have the right to take part in the discussion of all matters coming before the board of trustees but shall have no right to vote. The village - manager shall be entitled to notice of all special and regular iaeetings of the board of trustees. c. zweco.- Imuend to the board of trustees adoption of such measures as he may deem necessary or expedient. d. Appoint, suspend or remove all employees of the village. Such appointients, suspensions or removals shall be based upon the merit and fitness of such employee, without regard to political belief or affiliation. The village manager may authorize the head of a department or office to appoint, suspend or remove subordinates in such department or office. e. Exercise control of all departments and divisions thereof now in existence, or that may hereafter be. f. Hake recoi7mendations to the board of trustees concerning compensation for each appointive office and position in the village service, including minimum, intermediate and maximum rates. S. tiecoi:mend to the board of trustees the creating, consolidating and combining of offices, positions, departments or units of the administrative and executive departments of the village. h. Investigate all complaints in relation to matters concerning the administration of the government of the village and services maintained by the public utilities in the village and see that all franchises per,-Ats and privileges granted by the village are faithfully observed. i. Purchase all materials, supplies and equipment for which funds are provided in the budget, but he may not purchase any item which exceeds any budget appropriation until the board of trustees has increased the appropriation; provided, that for a -2- purchase of more than • 4 Jk4 he shall be required to receive two or more sealed bids, and for a purchase of more than $ such bids shall be presented to the board of trustees for approval or rejection. The village manager shall make recortmiendations to the board of trustees with respect to all such bads. He may issue rules and regulations governing requisitions and the transaction of the business of purchasing between himself as purchasing agent and the heads of departments, officers and employees of the village. In case of circumstances creating an emergency the village manager may, without the prior consent of the board of trustees, award contracts and make pur- chases for the purpose of meeting said emergency; but he shall promptly file with the board of trustees a report of such emergency and the necessity of such action, together with an itemized account of all such expeditures. j. prepare, or cause to be prepared, on or before play 15th of each year, a budget report indicating the funds necessary to defray the estimated expenses of the village for the fiscal year; prepare, or cause to be prepared, the annual appropriation ordinance in time for consideration and enactment by the board of trustees as required by statute; and prepare, or cause to be prepared, the annual tax levy. Nothing herein set forth shall give to the village manager powers not permitted by professional ethics and standards. k. Submit to the board of trustees, promptly following the end of the fiscal year, a complete report on the finances and admistrative activities of the village for said fiscal year. -3- 1. *resent to the president and board of trustees each month a joint statement with the village treasurer showing the exact financial condition of the village as of the end of the preceding month and showing amounts expended and unexpended balances for each department in accordance with the annual budget. m. TI:eep a current inventory of all real and personal property of the village and the location of such property. He shall be responsible for the care and custody of all village property which is not by statute or ordinance assigned to some other officer or body for care and control. n. Devote his entire time to the discharge of his official duties. o. perform such other Lawful duties as may be required by resolution or ordinance of the board of trustees. SECTION 5: The village manager shall receive such compensation as the board of trustees shall fix from time to time by ordinance or resolution. SECTION 6: The village manager shall furnish a bond in such amount and with such surety as may be approved by the board of trustees, said bond to be conditioned on the faithful performance of his duties and shall be conditioned to indemnify the village for any loss by reason of any neglect of duty or any act of the manager. The cost of the bond shall be paid by the village. SECTION 7: During the temporary absence or disability of the village manager the president and board of trustees shall appoint an acting village manager, with all the powers and duties of the office without furnishing any additional bond, if such appointee shall already be under bond to the village in any other capacity. If such appointment shall be of a person not already under bond to the village such appointee shall furnish a bond in such amount and with such surety as may be approved by the board of trustees. The cost of the bond shall be paid by the village. SECTION S` In case of a vacancy in the office of village manager, the president with the consent of the board of trustees may appoint a manager pro tem who shall possess the powers and duties of the manager until such time as a new village manager is appointed. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. Dated: YZL�d_� , 1967. AYES: All"PRO` ED NAYES t W x president. ecretary -5-