1961-0163RDMANCE CREATI THE V ORDINANCE NO. 0 -61- 16 D OF LOCAL OF BUFFALO OF BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE: SECTION 1._ There is hereby established the Board of Local Improvements for the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook County, Illinois. SECTION 2. Said Board shall consist of the following: Village President ALOYSIUS P. BUNESCU who shall be President of the Board of Local Improvements and Village Trustee WILLIAM J. FARMGTON Village Trustee T N ; Village Trustee JANES A. GILLEN . SECTION 3. The Board of Local Improvements shall have the powers and perform the duties assigned to it by statutes and ordinances. THIS ORDINANCE shall be in full force and effect from and after-its passage and approval. PASSED this 13th day of Jam, 1961. AYES: Six ATTEST: Village Clerk NAPES: None APPROVED: V111age President